
late opening of polling station

Credibility UP DOWN 0
09:31 May 20 2014 Lilongwe
Ndili ku Lilongwe technical college komwe ndikufuna ndivotele ndafika 6:05am koma mpaka pano sitinayambebe kuponya voti, sitikudziwa kuti tiyamba nthawi yanji?
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16 + 8 =
100 km
50 mi
Scale = 1 : 3M
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Additional Reports

Staff inadquacies

10:36 May 20, 2014

Kadyaulendo, Lilongwe, 0.45 Kms

I need to transfer

16:08 May 19, 2014

Lilongwe, 0.52 Kms

voter transfer query

15:12 May 19, 2014

, 0.74 Kms

Ink pad not enough

17:25 May 20, 2014

Mzobwe, Lilongwe, 0.9 Kms

I want help with my verification

16:17 May 19, 2014

Lilongwe, 1.07 Kms