
ballot boxes for councillors yet to arrive in Dedza

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07:28 May 20 2014 Dedza
Is MEC aware that ballot boxes for ward councils are yet to arrive here in Dedza?Was MEC really ready to conduct the first ever tripartite elections credibly?
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Additional Reports

Missing Materials

10:44 May 20, 2014

Kapesi, Malawi, 10.25 Kms

Ballot Papers

07:23 May 20, 2014

Dedza, 12.04 Kms

Dedza is at boiling point!

16:55 May 20, 2014

Dedza, 12.14 Kms

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15:02 May 20, 2014

Dedza, 12.47 Kms

Inadequate voting material

10:40 May 20, 2014

Dedza, Malawi, 12.81 Kms